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Architectural Infrastructure

Architectural Infrastructure

Enabling never before possible form factors and details.

Because The Best Light is
The One That's Never Seen.

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Unleash Your Creativity with Impactful Ceiling Design.
houlihan lokey rcp

Increase the Speed &
Lower the Cost of Construction Through Prefabrication
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Made to Measure – On-Time and Within Budget
Architectural Details
Sharp Geometries
Sharp Geometries
Curved Knife Edges
Curved Knife Edges
Unbelievably small form factors
Unbelievably small form factors

A performance cove in 2.5”

Architectural Infrastructure
Corner Coves

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Affordable, Standard, & Easy to Use
Explore the possibility of endless geometries, and make your design statement with a full standard offering of corners and curves.

Soft Corner Enabled Profiles

Increase the speed and lower the cost of construction with small form factor architectural details.

Sweeping Curves & Circles
To Impact Any Space

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Curve Enabled Profiles

Increase the speed and lower the cost of construction with small form factor architectural details.

Architectural Infrastructure
The Invisible
Air Return

Say Good-Bye

to unsightly Air Returns

at no added cost.

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Gypsum Flat Front Return Air
Gypsum Flat Front Return Air
Gypsum Knife Edge 30° Return Air
Gypsum Knife Edge 30° Return Air
Installation Images
The Profound Power of Light

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Architectural Products
Integrated Products
The Most Advanced Volumetric Indirect Lighting System for General Illumination
Professional Grade Cove Lighting
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